Seven Subtitling Facts You Should Know by Bernadine Racoma

1. Expression of Emotion

A movie is about telling a story and expressing all kinds of emotions. This is one of the hardest parts of subtitling. The translator needs to express in the dialogues the same emotion that viewers see on screen.

Words have to be handpicked by the translator and the editor. They should be effective to show the same type of emotion expressed by the scene and actors. Without making careful choices in what words to use, the viewer will not fully understand a particular scene.

2. Problem with Words

We use language to communicate and every word is meant to convey something. However, there are a number of words in English that may not have direct equivalents in other languages.

Some single English words may need more words when translated. For example, "shallow" (water) in English will be "peu profond" in French. There are English words that need a lengthy description instead of a direct translation.

Conversely, there are words that have either different or several meanings. The Portuguese word "massa" for example can mean pastry, batter, cake mix or bread dough.

Other words are local adaptations, like "romance" in simple Chinese is "Làngmàn." It is not a translation but rather a "sounds like" word when pronounced.

Other words where translators have difficulty translating into other languages include mind-boggling, flabbergasted, glisten, gleam, glare, rustle, logic, insight, impeach, bully, vicarious, etc. Of course it goes both ways. The Portuguese word "jarrete" is "back of the knees" in English, while "tez" is "face skin."

When there is no other option, the translator has to use the same word and add the meaning inside brackets.

3. Subtitles Have Separate Screenplays

When creating regional films like in India, the film writer or the director usually prepares drafts in English while the film is being written. This method helps save money and time when the footage is edited.

The subtitled screenplay serves as the guide on how the subtitle should be done and in some cases, what should be written. In such occasions, the artistic aspect of the film is taken into consideration. It also ensures the preservation of the nuances of the native language.

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