Translation (MA)

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70 Rapenburg, Leiden, ZH, Netherlands


You will learn how to translate from English to Dutch and vice versa. At Leiden, we believe there is as much demand for translators from Dutch to English, so we teach translation “both ways”. You will also acquire the skills to translate texts on a wide variety of topics, with a focus on one of three fascinating areas of specialised translation: legal, literary or multimedial translation. At the end of your studies, you will earn a qualification that will give you entry to the national register of sworn interpreters and translator

Duration: 1 year


The following diploma requirements apply for this programme:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Culture or knowledge and insight comparable with the qualifications acquired by students graduating from this programme; and completion of the minor Vertalen Engels-Nederlands, or equivalent translation courses; applicants who have not completed this minor or equivalent courses will be required to take an entry test.
  • Completed the pre-Master's programme.
  • In order to successfully participate in this programme, you must be proficient in Dutch. Students who have completed their secondary education in the Netherlands or Flanders do not need to submit further proof of their Dutch proficiency.

    Dutch (Toelatingsexamen Universiteit Leiden – Gevorderd (language exam) at the Academic Language Centre of Leiden University).

  • In order to successfully participate in this programme, you must be proficient in English. The following requirements apply:
    • IELTS:    7.0  (a minimum score of IELTS 7.0 is required for each of the four components)
    • TOEFL (internet-based):  100 (TOEFL 25 is required for each of the four components
    • C2 Proficiency (former CPE) or C1 Advanced (former CAE) 185

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