MA Foreign Language of Professional Communication & Specialised Translation

  • 1 members
6 Ulitsa Miklukho-Maklaya, Moskva, Moskva, Russia


The programme "Foreign Language of Professional Communication and Specialised Translation" is designed to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, which can be used for communication in professional settings, translation and interpreting, as well as for teachers and professionals in Economics, Management and Business.

The programme is meant not only for linguists but also for other speciality diploma holders (bachelor's, master's or specialist's degrees).

Master’s Programme "Foreign Language of Professional Communication and Specialised Translation" is a great opportunity for students to acquire useful skills of oral and written communication in business and professional environment, including computer-based translation of business documents, economic and financial texts full of professional terms. After completing the programme the students will be able to work as teachers of foreign languages and/or translators/interpreters that will increase their employability.

The programme includes a required practice in translation for Russian and foreign companies.

The programme is based on the state-of-the-art methodology of ESP, as well as Russian and foreign theories of translation used in training specialists of top qualification. Masters of Linguistics are primarily employed in teaching wide range of linguistic, philosophical and culturological disciplines in educational institutions; or they also can work as translators, researchers, employees in media and other Russian and international companies. Some master's degree holders opt for the post-graduate course. The programme is aimed at:

- improving professional communication (two languages);

- developing skills in translating professional texts;

- training specialists in specialised translation (Economics, Management and Business) - mastering oral or written communication with professionals in two foreign languages;

- fostering skills in unassisted specialised translation from Russian into a foreign language and vice versa.

Duration: 2 years


The admission decisions are made on the basis of entry test.
We make our admission decision on a competitive basis. 

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