MA in Literary Translation

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MA in English Literature with a Focus on Literary Translation

A growth field in the Humanities, literary translation is natural for people who love literature and language and are looking for a practical way to turn this love into a profession. The MA Program in English Literature with a focus on Literary Translation combines high-level literature seminars, creative writing and translation workshops, and is capped off with a year of one-on-one mentoring as the student prepares a creative thesis: the translation of a work of fiction, creative nonfiction or poetry. No knowledge of Hebrew is required; students may translate from any language into English, and all coursework is in English.

Duration: 2 years


BA degree or equivalent

Fluency/near-fluency in English

Competency in ANY second language

Writing sample: 15-25 pages of translation or creative writing or academic seminar paper

Statement of purpose

NOTE: Students without a BA in English literature or a related field may be required to take several basic literature courses.

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