Linguistics, Masters of Arts

  • 1 members


Modern linguistics is the study of human languages in all aspects, ranging from structural to social, cognitive and educational concerns. Our students therefore engage in core courses such as grammatical description and phonetics, as well elective courses in psycholinguistics, bi- and multilingualism, linguistic typology, Cantonese linguistics, amongst others. A central aspect of our program is the dissertation component, which prepares students for future research work. Each student is individually supervised by one or more of our highly international faculty.

HKU Linguistics graduates are well-rounded linguists who combine a scientific approach to language with the humanities and social sciences. Whether you want to pursue a career in linguistic research, engage professionally with the language processing, computation or publishing, or aim for leading roles in education management, you will find our program an excellent platform to gain state-of-the art knowledge of the field. Our approach encourages participation in exciting debates with peers and senior researchers alike. A majority of our students are from overseas, creating a diverse and stimulating environment.

Duration: 1 year


Academic requirement:

Applicants for the programme should be the holder of a good BA degree (honoured, Division 2 or above), preferably with a major in linguistics or a closely related subject from a recognised university.

Expected English standards:

Applicants with qualifications from a university or comparable institution outside HK where the language of teaching or examination is not English are required to obtain:

  • a score of 550 or above (paper based test) or 80 or above (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), in which a score of 4 or above in the Test of Written English (TWE), or a score of 25 or above in the Writing section of the Internet-based TOEFL; or
  • a minimum overall band of 7 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Only TOEFL / IELTS score recorded in the two years before the date of application is considered for admission.

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