Comment to '5 ways in which Project Management Automation will affect Translation Quality'
  • Hi Jon, I am in favor of technologies to support humans not to replace them. Can you think of any PM tools in this regard? 

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    • I hear you well. Thank you for this feedback because I have been partnering with a translation management platform for a while. We have been adding quality, skills and experience and I guess we should also add "rapport" as criteria of priotization. I am not in favor of removing human PMs out of the equation, please do nto take me wrong. I am exploring ways to assist people. 

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      • You can read the article again and see the points that need to be addressed. A lot of my thoughts have been carefully condensed in this article. I believe that duly taking these concerns into consideration will certainly build a better relationship between translation agencies and us, translators.

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        • Thank you Jon, appreciate your remarks.